Showing Tag: "stand up pouches" (Show all posts)


Posted by marionlara on Saturday, January 7, 2012, In : business 


This is the world of symbiotic relationship.  Every one is dependent on other for some or the other way.  The product that we buy from the market involves the input of several man powers.  Those companies depend on the consumer for their livelihood, while we the consumer depends on them for our basic necessities. 


For the companies, it becomes very important to satisfy the consumers need so as to continue the marketing of their product.  However, the product is getting modified some or ...

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Posted by marionlara on Thursday, January 5, 2012, In : business 

The people are getting too busy in their life.  The time is running like a stop watch and no o0ne has time for any one.  However, looking at the demand and convenience of the people or consumer, new products or modification of various techniques is done.  Along with the shortage of time, the people have shortage of place with them which is the very major issue and looking at it, the stand up pouches were invented. 


These pouches are very less space consuming and can be accommodated even...

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